
About Patricia M. Boord

Christian Author & Public Speaker

Motivational and Inspirational speakers have had an enormous impact on my life, and I'm humbled and blessed that God has positioned me to provide insight and inspiration to others, no matter what their personal situation in life may be.

Words are powerful and inspirational and the journey that led me to scribing Bench Pressing Threads of Faith is one that I would travel again as it led me to you. I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my website and hopefully you are encouraged by my words and life experiences.

I often focus on the importance of having a strong belief in yourself and a foundation to stand on through your relationship with God. The journey has allowed me to teach that you need to be bold and have supreme self-confidence and trust in God to accomplish anything that you set your mind to. I firmly believe that many people set goals that are to low and that in order to be successful in anything that you do you need to challenge yourself and raise the bar. Not to sound cliche but my journey of raising the bar through training and competitive weight lifting is why I am able to share this message with you today. So my encouragement to you is that most people fail in life not because they aim to high and miss but because they aim to low and hit.

Dedicated To "Collect Seeds".

"From one person God created every human nation to live on the whole earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands. God made the nations so they would seek him, perhaps even reach out to him and find him. In fact, God isn't far away from any of us". Acts 17:26-27 (CEB)